Z Sections

A very useful feature available to you is to find the weight of your order by entering the number of items and their length.
Also, you can easily find the surface of the cross section, the center of gravity, the moments of inertia, the moments of resistance and many other properties of the cross section used in structural calculations and material strength.
Density of Alloy (kgr/m3): | |
Aluminium Steel Other |
Length of a side (mm): | |
Length of b side (mm): | |
Height H (mm): | |
Thickness of side A (mm): | |
Thickness of side B (mm): |
Thickness of H (mm): | |
Profile Length (mm): | |
Number of Pieces (pcs): |
Weight (gr/m): | |
Area (mm2): | |
Perimeter (mm): | |
Moment of Inertia Jx (cm4): | |
Moment of Inertia Jy (cm4): | |
Moment of Inertia Jxy (cm4): | |
X centroid (mm): | |
Õ centroid (mm): |
Radius Inertia ix (cm): | |
Radius Inertia iy (cm): | |
Radius Inertia ixy (cm): | |
J11 (cm4): | |
J22 (cm4): | |
È(deg) rotation angle from largest moment of inertia: | |
Torque Sx (cm3): | |
Torque Sy (cm3): |
Weight (kg): | |
Plastic Section moduli x (cm3): | |
Plastic Section moduli y (cm3): | |
shape factor in relation to axis xx: | |
shape factor in relation to axis yy: | |
Torsional Constant (cm4): |