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Home/Aluminium Profiles/Standard Profiles/Angles


Sanlev s.a produces  a wide range of aluminium angles in any desirable length.
There is a minimum quantity of production from each die
Very small quantities can be produced only according to a special price list  or after special agreement .


1 30 35
Th. Weight
Th. Weight
6m (kgr)
Sx (cm^3) Sy (cm^3) É1 
È  (degrees) i1 (cm) i2 (cm)
10 10 1 19 51 0.3 7.13 2.87 0.01800 0.01800 0.01066 0.02524 0.02524 0.0287 0.0073 0.0000 0.3884 0.1966
10 10 1.4 26 70 0.4 6.99 3.01 0.02383 0.02383 0.01392 0.03410 0.03410 0.0377 0.0099 -45.0000 0.3807 0.1951
15 15 1 29 78 0.5 10.88 4.12 0.06372 0.06372 0.03802 0.05857 0.05857 0.1017 0.0257 0.0000 0.5923 0.2977
15 15 1.2 35 93 0.6 10.81 4.19 0.07501 0.07501 0.04463 0.06942 0.06942 0.1196 0.0304 0.0000 0.5884 0.2965
15 15 1.6 45 123 0.7 10.66 4.34 0.09629 0.09629 0.05690 0.09032 0.09032 0.1532 0.0394 45.0000 0.5806 0.2944
20 20 39 105 0.6 14.63 5.37 0.15476 0.15476 0.09256 0.10580 0.10580 0.2473 0.0622 0.0000 0.7963 0.3993
20 20 1.4 54 146 0.9 14.48 5.52 0.21045 0.21045 0.12548 0.14533 0.14533 0.3359 0.0850 45.0000 0.7884 0.3965
22 11 1.2 38 103 0.6 8.71 7.79 0.03434 0.19462 0.04654 0.03945 0.13701 0.2072 0.0218 15.0719 0.7368 0.2391
25 15 1 39 105 0.6 11.81 8.19 0.07356 0.25956 0.08077 0.06229 0.15443 0.2897 0.0434 20.4869 0.8619 0.3335
25 25 1.2 59 158 0.9 18.30 6.70 0.36378 0.36378 0.21764 0.19875 0.19875 0.5814 0.1461 0.0000 0.9964 0.4996
25 25 1.5 73 196 1.2 18.19 6.81 0.44683 0.44683 0.26687 0.24560 0.24560 0.7137 0.1800 0.0000 0.9905 0.4974
30 8 1.4 51 138 0.8 6.58 12.42 0.01616 0.47003 0.04332 0.02456 0.26738 0.4741 0.0121 5.4039 0.9619 0.1534
30 20 1.5 73 196 1.2 15.44 9.56 0.25164 0.68658 0.24460 0.16303 0.33597 0.7964 0.1418 24.1802 1.0463 0.4415
30 1.4 82 222 1.3 21.98 8.02 0.73482 0.73482 0.43969 0.33433 0.33433 1.1745 0.2951 45.0000 1.1965 0.5998
30 30 1.7 99 268 1.6 21.87 8.13 0.87934 0.87934 0.52546 0.40210 0.40210 1.4048 0.3539 0.0000 1.1905 0.5975
30 30 2 116 313 1.9 21.76 8.24 1.01959 1.01959 0.60828 0.46859 0.46859 1.6279 0.4113 0.0000 1.1846 0.5955
30 30 2.5 144 388 2.3 21.58 8.42 1.24424 1.24424 0.73981 0.57668 0.57668 1.9840 0.5044 0.0000 1.1748 0.5924
34.2 16.2 1.2 59 159 1.0 13.13 12.07 0.11633 0.74088 0.16723 0.08860 0.33478 0.7828 0.0744 14.0848 1.1515 0.3549
35 20 2 106 286 1.7 15.60 11.90 0.33727 1.36302 0.39226 0.21615 0.58996 1.4958 0.2045 18.7050 1.1879 0.4392
35 35 2.5 169 456 2.7 25.32 9.68 2.00995 2.00995 1.19806 0.79369 0.79369 3.2080 0.8119 0.0000 1.3788 0.6936
35 35 3 201 543 3.3 25.14 9.86 2.36290 2.36290 1.40418 0.93983 0.93983 3.7671 0.9587 0.0000 1.3690 0.6906
35 5 325 878 5.3 24.42 10.58 3.63502 3.63502 2.12019 1.48835 1.48835 5.7552 1.5148 45.0000 1.3307 0.6827
40 25 1 64 173 1.0 19.81 12.69 0.34991 1.10391 0.36563 0.17661 0.40418 1.2521 0.2017 22.0612 1.3987 0.5614
40 40 1.2 95 255 1.5 29.55 10.45 1.53007 1.53007 0.91702 0.51775 0.51775 2.4471 0.6130 -45.0000 1.6087 0.8052
40 40 3 231 624 3.7 28.89 11.11 3.58182 3.58182 2.13351 1.23983 1.23983 5.7153 1.4483 0.0000 1.5729 0.7918
40 40 3.5 268 723 4.3 28.71 11.29 4.10448 4.10448 2.43810 1.42976 1.42976 6.5426 1.6664 45.0000 1.5632 0.7889
40 40 4 304 821 4.9 28.53 11.47 4.60811 4.60811 2.72842 1.61539 1.61539 7.3365 1.8797 0.0000 1.5535 0.7863
50 15 1.3 83 224 1.3 12.74 19.76 0.10741 2.18330 0.25530 0.08433 0.72206 2.2142 0.0765 6.9093 1.6352 0.3039
60 60 6 684 1,847 11.1 42.79 17.21 23.32857 23.32857 13.81263 5.45194 5.45194 37.1412 9.5159 45.0000 2.3302 1.1795
80 80 2.2 347 937 5.6 59.18 20.82 22.52417 22.52417 13.50190 3.80612 3.80612 36.0261 9.0223 -45.0000 3.2214 1.6121
All the calculated data in the above table, is based on the theoritical dimensions of the profiles.
Tolerances compy with EN 755.
If stricter tolerances are required,  then they have to be confirmed with the sales department.
Ôá óôïé÷åßá ãéá ôéò äéáôïìÝò ðïõ ðåñéÝ÷åé ï ðßíáêáò, õðïëïãßóèçêáí âÜóåé ôùí èåùñçôéêþí äéáóôÜóåùí ôùí äéáôïìþí. Ïé äéáôïìÝò Ý÷ïõí áíï÷Ýò äéáóôÜóåùí êáé ìïñöÞò âÜóåé ôïõ EN 755.
Áí ðñüêåéôáé íá ÷ñçóéìïðïéÞóåôå ôá ðñïößë óå åéäéêÝò åöáñìïãÝò, ðïõ áðáéôïýí êáé áõóôçñüôåñåò áíï÷Ýò, ðñÝðåé íá ôï áíáöÝñåôáé óôçí ðáñáããåëßá óáò.
t: thickness
ex, ey: Position of the neutral axis
Ixx, Iyy: moment of inertia with respect on x, y axis accordingly.
Ixy: product of inertia
Sx, Sy: section modulus with respect on x, y axis respectively,
I1, I2: major moment of inertia
i1, i2: radii of gyration with respect on major axis respectively
è: major system (degrees) (clockwise rotation)
PSM: Plastic Section Moduli, (cm3)
It: Torsional Constant (cm4)