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Home/Aluminium Profiles/Standard Profiles/Pi shape

Pi shape

Sanlev s.a produces  a wide range of aluminium P shape in any desirable length.
There is a minimum quantity of production from each die
Very small quantities can be produced only according to a special price list  or after special agreement .


Th. Weight
Th. Weight
6m (kgr)
ix (cm) iy (cm) Sx
PSM x (cm3) PSM y (cm3) It, (cm4) Iw, (cm6) Yel,  (mm)
6 5 1 14 38 0.23 3.07 0.0033 0.0069 0.1526 0.2215 0.0106 0.0229 0.0189 0.0290 0.00047 0.00013 3.27
10 10 1.9 50 134 0.81 5.96 0.0468 0.0672 0.3065 0.3675 0.0785 0.1345 0.1349 0.1722 0.00599 0.00506 6.89
11 4.5 1 18 49 0.29 3.13 0.0030 0.0287 0.1285 0.3990 0.0095 0.0521 0.0195 0.0653 0.00060 0.00043 2.27
11 10.5 1.1 33 89 0.53 6.64 0.0364 0.0631 0.3332 0.4387 0.0548 0.1147 0.0969 0.1356 0.00132 0.00602 7.54
11 15 1.7 64 173 1.04 8.84 0.1415 0.1177 0.4705 0.4292 0.1600 0.2140 0.2659 0.2617 0.00616 0.02181 11.56
12 12 1 34 92 0.55 7.62 0.0502 0.0811 0.3844 0.4885 0.0659 0.1352 0.1161 0.1570 0.00113 0.01036 8.81
14 6 1.25 29 79 0.48 4.16 0.0088 0.0770 0.1734 0.5120 0.0212 0.1100 0.0433 0.1370 0.00153 0.00210 3.12
15 12.5 1.4 52 141 0.84 8.07 0.0812 0.1836 0.3949 0.5937 0.1006 0.2448 0.1824 0.2901 0.00340 0.02480 8.64
16 12 1.5 56 150 0.90 7.84 0.0784 0.2174 0.3759 0.6258 0.1000 0.2717 0.1846 0.3244 0.00416 0.02674 8.00
17 25 3 183 494 2.96 14.48 1.1110 0.7795 0.7792 0.6527 0.7671 0.9171 1.2586 1.1408 0.05490 0.39236 19.43
18.5 10 1 37 99 0.59 7.03 0.0351 0.1907 0.3102 0.7229 0.0499 0.2062 0.0990 0.2431 0.00122 0.01680 6.09
20 15 1.25 59 160 0.96 10.03 0.1359 0.3859 0.4784 0.8062 0.1355 0.3859 0.2516 0.4473 0.00309 0.07815 10.22
20.35 15 1 48 131 0.78 10.16 0.1122 0.3326 0.4817 0.8293 0.1105 0.3268 0.2063 0.3744 0.00161 0.06871 10.26
22 7.2 1.2 41 110 0.66 5.33 0.0167 0.2624 0.2024 0.8020 0.0314 0.2385 0.0682 0.2950 0.00196 0.01040 3.43
22 21 2 120 324 1.94 13.35 0.5373 0.9400 0.6692 0.8851 0.4025 0.8545 0.7129 1.0020 0.01600 0.36324 15.16
25 15 1.1 58 157 0.94 10.50 0.1310 0.5802 0.4748 0.9995 0.1247 0.4642 0.2426 0.5373 0.00234 0.11898 9.60
25 30 2 162 437 2.62 18.63 1.5112 1.7454 0.9658 1.0380 0.8112 1.3963 1.3883 1.6005 0.02160 1.40454 23.12
26 37 1.6 155 418 2.51 22.67 2.2252 1.9228 1.1986 1.1142 0.9816 1.4791 1.6444 1.6524 0.01322 2.39305 29.76
27 11 1 47 127 0.76 8.16 0.0516 0.5022 0.3315 1.0337 0.0633 0.3720 0.1332 0.4423 0.00157 0.05277 6.05
27.5 15 2.6 136 367 2.20 10.14 0.2774 1.4537 0.4516 1.0339 0.2734 1.0572 0.5350 1.2943 0.03064 0.26328 8.76
31.8 3.4 1.2 43 117 0.70 2.59 0.0020 0.4452 0.0680 1.0124 0.0078 0.2800 0.0161 0.3842 0.00209 0.00173 0.70
32 16.5 1.1 69 187 1.12 11.90 0.1848 1.1094 0.5172 1.2673 0.1553 0.6934 0.3117 0.8050 0.00279 0.27562 10.07
33.5 14 4 214 578 3.47 9.38 0.3300 3.0043 0.3927 1.1849 0.3517 1.7936 0.7044 2.3023 0.11413 0.39952 6.79
33.6 4 1.6 61 166 1.00 2.95 0.0042 0.7025 0.0827 1.0693 0.0142 0.4182 0.0278 0.5745 0.00524 0.00379 0.85
34.4 7.3 1.2 56 151 0.91 5.74 0.0194 0.8107 0.1864 1.2040 0.0338 0.4713 0.0792 0.5980 0.00268 0.02884 2.79
40 20 2 152 410 2.46 14.26 0.5760 3.6683 0.6156 1.5535 0.4038 1.8341 0.8138 2.1680 0.02027 1.28707 11.84
41 20 1.2 94 255 1.53 14.62 0.3688 2.4765 0.6253 1.6204 0.2524 1.2081 0.5127 1.4022 0.00453 0.90709 12.01
45 20 1.5 123 332 1.99 14.74 0.4641 3.7656 0.6143 1.7497 0.3149 1.6736 0.6516 1.9665 0.00923 1.34534 11.50
50 15 1.4 108 292 1.75 11.66 0.1986 3.7075 0.4286 1.8521 0.1703 1.4830 0.3805 1.8003 0.00706 0.68133 7.20
50 18 2 164 443 2.66 13.49 0.4560 5.7719 0.5273 1.8760 0.3381 2.3087 0.7277 2.7860 0.02187 1.55655 9.28
51.2 12 2 142 384 2.31 9.31 0.1403 4.6589 0.3139 1.8088 0.1506 1.8199 0.3470 2.2947 0.01899 0.46462 4.83
85 11.5 1.5 158 425 2.55 9.65 0.1077 12.9063 0.2615 2.8626 0.1115 3.0368 0.2796 3.9619 0.01181 0.94020 3.44
96 22 2 272 734 4.41 17.76 0.9564 32.4203 0.5930 3.4524 0.5383 6.7542 1.2623 8.3680 0.03627 11.81870 9.24
99.3 82.8 2.1 547 1,478 8.87 56.12 40.5297 97.2038 2.7209 4.2137 7.2221 19.5778 13.2273 21.6492 0.08048 638.55012 59.73
All the calculated data in the above table, is based on the theoritical dimensions of the profiles.
Tolerances compy with EN 755.
If stricter tolerances are required,  then they have to be confirmed with the sales department.
Ôá óôïé÷åßá ãéá ôéò äéáôïìÝò ðïõ ðåñéÝ÷åé ï ðßíáêáò, õðïëïãßóèçêáí âÜóåé ôùí èåùñçôéêþí äéáóôÜóåùí ôùí äéáôïìþí. Ïé äéáôïìÝò Ý÷ïõí áíï÷Ýò äéáóôÜóåùí êáé ìïñöÞò âÜóåé ôïõ EN 755.
Áí ðñüêåéôáé íá ÷ñçóéìïðïéÞóåôå ôá ðñïößë óå åéäéêÝò åöáñìïãÝò, ðïõ áðáéôïýí êáé áõóôçñüôåñåò áíï÷Ýò, ðñÝðåé íá ôï áíáöÝñåôáé óôçí ðáñáããåëßá óáò.
Ixx, Iyy: moment of inertia with respect on x, y axis accordingly.
Ixy: product of inertia
Sx, Sy: section modulus with respect on x, y axis respectively,
I1, I2: major moment of inertia
i1, i2: radii of gyration with respect on major axis respectively
è: major system (degrees) (clockwise rotation)
PSM x, PSM y: Plastic Section Moduli, (cm3),  with respect on x, y axis respectively
It: Torsional Constant (cm4)
Iw: Wrapping constant (cm6)
Yel: Elastic Center position (from centroid, mm)