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Home/Aluminium Profiles/Standard Profiles/Square


Sanlev s.a produces  a wide range of aluminium square in any desirable length.
There is a minimum quantity of production from each die
Very small quantities can be produced only according to a special price list  or after special agreement .


Th. Weight
Th. Weight
6m (kgr)
ix (cm) iy (cm) Sx
PSM x (cm3) PSM y (cm3) It, (cm4)
10 10 1 36 97 0.6 0.0492 0.0492 0.3697 0.3697 0.0984 0.0984 0.1220 0.1220 0.07290
12 12 1 44 119 0.7 0.0895 0.0895 0.4509 0.4509 0.1491 0.1491 0.1820 0.1820 0.13310
14.2 10.2 1.1 49 132 0.8 0.0744 0.1282 0.3902 0.5123 0.1458 0.1805 0.1773 0.2262 0.14083
15 15 1 56 151 0.9 0.1839 0.1839 0.5730 0.5730 0.2452 0.2452 0.2945 0.2945 0.27440
15 15 1.5 81 219 1.3 0.2491 0.2491 0.5545 0.5545 0.3321 0.3321 0.4118 0.4118 0.36906
15 15 1.7 90 244 1.5 0.2710 0.2710 0.5474 0.5474 0.3613 0.3613 0.4535 0.4535 0.39995
16 16 1 60 162 1.0 0.2260 0.2260 0.6137 0.6137 0.2825 0.2825 0.3380 0.3380 0.33750
16 16 1.5 87 235 1.4 0.3081 0.3081 0.5951 0.5951 0.3852 0.3852 0.4748 0.4748 0.45729
18 12 1 56 151 0.9 0.1259 0.2419 0.4741 0.6572 0.2098 0.2687 0.2480 0.3320 0.24978
18 18 1 68 184 1.1 0.3287 0.3287 0.6952 0.6952 0.3652 0.3652 0.4340 0.4340 0.49130
18 18 1 68 184 1.1 0.3287 0.3287 0.6952 0.6952 0.3652 0.3652 0.4340 0.4340 0.49130
19 19 1 72 194 1.2 0.3900 0.3900 0.7360 0.7360 0.4105 0.4105 0.4865 0.4865 0.58320
20 10 1 56 151 0.9 0.0899 0.2779 0.4006 0.7044 0.1797 0.2779 0.2120 0.3520 0.20886
20 15 1.5 96 259 1.6 0.3177 0.5087 0.5753 0.7279 0.4236 0.5087 0.5130 0.6330 0.58477
20 20 1 76 205 1.2 0.4585 0.4585 0.7767 0.7767 0.4585 0.4585 0.5420 0.5420 0.68590
22 18 1 76 205 1.2 0.3865 0.5305 0.7132 0.8355 0.4295 0.4823 0.5020 0.5780 0.67078
23 16 1.5 108 292 1.7 0.4189 0.7556 0.6228 0.8364 0.5236 0.6570 0.6270 0.8160 0.80990
24.8 24.8 1.7 157 424 2.5 1.4046 1.4046 0.9456 0.9456 1.1327 1.1327 1.3632 1.3632 2.09549
25 25 1.5 141 381 2.3 1.3031 1.3031 0.9613 0.9613 1.0425 1.0425 1.2443 1.2443 1.94668
26 16.2 1.7 132 356 2.1 0.5262 1.1415 0.6316 0.9302 0.6496 0.8781 0.7802 1.1034 1.08792
29.9 20 1.5 141 380 2.3 0.8920 1.6976 0.7962 1.0984 0.8920 1.1355 1.0465 1.3947 1.76575
29.9 20 2 184 496 3.0 1.1093 2.1386 0.7773 1.0793 1.1093 1.4305 1.3324 1.7868 2.19786
30 15 1.5 126 340 2.0 0.4550 1.4067 0.6009 1.0566 0.6066 0.9378 0.7155 1.1880 1.05738
30 20 1.5 141 381 2.3 0.8946 1.7116 0.7965 1.1018 0.8946 1.1411 1.0493 1.4018 1.77442
32 20 1.2 119 321 1.9 0.7886 1.6576 0.8139 1.1800 0.7886 1.0360 0.9078 1.2649 1.62236
34.5 19.5 1.4 143 387 2.3 0.9014 2.2397 0.7930 1.2499 0.9245 1.2984 1.0695 1.6071 1.96291
35 20 1 106 286 1.7 0.7295 1.7553 0.8296 1.2868 0.7295 1.0030 0.8270 1.2245 1.57478
35 20 1 106 286 1.7 0.7295 1.7553 0.8296 1.2868 0.7295 1.0030 0.8270 1.2245 1.57478
40 20 1 116 313 1.9 0.8199 2.4359 0.8407 1.4491 0.8199 1.2179 0.9220 1.5020 1.89338
40 20 1 116 313 1.9 0.8199 2.4359 0.8407 1.4491 0.8199 1.2179 0.9220 1.5020 1.89338
40 40 1.3 201 543 3.3 5.0289 5.0289 1.5808 1.5808 2.5145 2.5145 2.9216 2.9216 7.53488
41 21 1.5 177 478 2.9 1.3174 3.8304 0.8627 1.4711 1.2546 1.8685 1.4423 2.3273 3.01670
45 22 1.5 192 518 3.1 1.5924 4.9757 0.9107 1.6098 1.4476 2.2114 1.6545 2.7585 3.72758
48 20 1.2 157 425 2.6 1.1283 4.5252 0.8466 1.6954 1.1283 1.8855 1.2687 2.3708 2.83214
75 75 1.2 354 956 5.7 32.1643 32.1643 3.0133 3.0133 8.5771 8.5771 9.8045 9.8045 48.23367
80 20 1.1 215 581 3.5 1.6769 15.4815 0.8828 2.6824 1.6769 3.8704 1.8375 5.0649 5.00220
90 10 1 196 529 3.2 0.3745 15.3185 0.4371 2.7956 0.7491 3.4041 0.8420 4.7620 1.30939
96.2 96.2 1.5 568 1,534 9.2 84.9491 84.9491 3.8666 3.8666 17.6609 17.6609 20.1799 20.1799 127.39172
100 20 1.7 396 1,070 6.4 2.9844 41.9690 0.8676 3.2537 2.9844 8.3938 3.3452 11.2740 9.43604
100 100 1.8 707 1,909 11.5 113.6741 113.6741 4.0097 4.0097 22.7348 22.7348 26.0397 26.0397 170.45391
All the calculated data in the above table, is based on the theoritical dimensions of the profiles.
Tolerances compy with EN 755.
If stricter tolerances are required,  then they have to be confirmed with the sales department.
Τα στοιχεία για τις διατομές που περιέχει ο πίνακας, υπολογίσθηκαν βάσει των θεωρητικών διαστάσεων των διατομών. Οι διατομές έχουν ανοχές διαστάσεων και μορφής βάσει του EN 755.
Αν πρόκειται να χρησιμοποιήσετε τα προφίλ σε ειδικές εφαρμογές, που απαιτούν και αυστηρότερες ανοχές, πρέπει να το αναφέρεται στην παραγγελία σας.
Ixx, Iyy: moment of inertia with respect on x, y axis accordingly.
Ixy: product of inertia
Sx, Sy: section modulus with respect on x, y axis respectively,
I1, I2: major moment of inertia
i1, i2: radii of gyration with respect on major axis respectively
θ: major system (degrees) (clockwise rotation)
PSM x, PSM y: Plastic Section Moduli, (cm3),  with respect on x, y axis respectively
It: Torsional Constant (cm4)
